Sunday 3 June 2012

I AM 18. Weeeeow

My, oh my! It has been a bit more time between my personal posts because I have just been that busy! Right now, I'm taking time out of studying for my exams to have this little spiel of my day to day happenings. If I wind my memory back to not last weekend but the weekend before, this is what has gone on. :)

The girl across the hall from me had her 18th. So as a nice celebration we went out for dinner to Aroma Garden (I recommend the chickpea curry), hit up a private d-floor and spent hours wasting money in an arcade! Wild 18th...I know. Haha, but it was such a good little catch up and a great opportunity to wind down before the stress of end of semester exams start to kick in. 

The next day was a massive college event, the annual ICC Regatta. We head down to the rowing sheds and all the colleges battle it out for the top gong. To be honest though, not that much attention is given to the rowers and a lot of the day actually revolves around the 18+ area. Which I was unable to to join in on considering my birthday was two days after this event. Waaaaah. There was also an after party on at the college next door, but luckily my Mum was down for a visit so I didn't have to sit in my room listening to the fun times next door like so many of my underage friends had to do. 

I had plain old uni on during the day on Monday, but Monday night had in store for us yet another college comp! This time, it was Choralfest. A group of us went to watch Duchesne, not really expecting to enjoy other acts and merely offering some moral support for our fellow Duchies. But woah woah woah. It was actually one of the more fun things this year! And the winning college was the biggest surprise of the night. St Leo's usually takes everything as a massive joke and last year they came in at last place and were told not to participate this year. However, after much persuasion, they were allowed to once again enter a choir. And man, did they show everyone else up. Here is the comparison of last year and this year:

LAST YEAR: (aaaaall drunk)
And it was so funny when they won, as it was actually the exact same judges as last year!

Anyway, onto the biggest day of the week! My birthday on the Tuesday! I actually had classes all day... BUT my boyfo brought me lunch and gave me a pandora charm. :) And I went out for dinner with him, my family, and two of my close friends. Location was left up to me, so of course I chose the upper class restauranto of Toowong Sizzler. But not really much else happened on my birthday so I'll move on to my first outing as a bona fide 18 year old! 

It was an all college exchange to the fancy (by college student standards) Fridays. I've never even been a big drinker so this night was pretty exciting! I don't really know what much else I can say about was actually pretty relaxed, did a bit of dancing, talked to people I hadn't seen in ages aaaand realised that my little frame does not take too well to the drink. Haha. But enough about that, I'll just post a quick few pictures :)
And that's about all I have to update! I guess this week won't be all that exciting because it's SWOTVAC and all my exams are in first week, but oh well. I'm surprisingly not too stressed and am just looking forward to this semester being done, done, done. :)

Uh ohhh. The economy is not looking too good again as the Australian market has slid below 4000 points. But if we actually look at our markets relative to overseas markets, we're still going preeeetty good. When I went to the front page of the ABC website, I wondered why this was the main focus of the page... It's not like we've been thrown into a dire situation but I think the news values that have made it so important are 'follow up' and 'relevance'. It really does affect every Australian even though most would not be interested in it. 

Bye byeeee

PS. I thought this vid goes nicely with my 'college life' theme!

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