Aaaalrighty. So at this stage I've submitted my first proper assessment for this subject! Media Use Diary is done :) I have my first mid-semester exam on Saturday for one of my Commerce subjects. It will be my first EVER uni exam so that is pretty nerve-wracking. And all the uni work is gradually starting to pile up but hopefully I'll be able to make it through...haha. After my tute for this on Tuesday afternoon I've been trying to think of topics for my Factual Storytelling Exercise. I'm pretty positive I'm going to use text but I just need someone to base that text on!
So an update on college has continued to be great and I've been attempting to avoid the fresher spread by regular gym visits :) There is added motivation because my College Ball is coming up in less than a month! I've made such great pals here and at our 'brother college' so hopefully the year will continue in a positive way. College plans at the moment are perhaps a visit to the Broncos and Dragons game tomorrow night and a college 'exchange' on Saturday night. I'm struggling to maintain my work/life balance but I have no doubts that everyone is sitting in exactly the same boat.
SO, some news that gained my interest today was word of an all-girls Jewish school in New York banning their students from Facebook as it could go against the Jewish code of modesty. I found this quite extraordinary as it shouldn't be up to the school to tell girls what they can and can't do out of school! They should not be allowed to dictate the social life of these girls and prohibiting them from Facebook in such a social networking based world could do so much more harm than good. Take, for example, the low experience level the girls will have in this communication tool once they finish high school. I have no doubt that internet use will be growing exponentially and it would be such a disadvantage to the students not to have the core skills that their peers will possess. If you want to have a read of the actual news story just click here!
I'll probably write again on Monday, bye! :)
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