Monday, 19 March 2012


As I sit in my room on a Monday night eating the staple college food, toast, I find myself once again pondering this term blogging. Anyone can do it, right? Which means there's no wrong way to write blogs only right ways to write it, right? I have a feeling I'm overthinking it. impressions of college life thus far...I LOVE IT! And I don't even drink alcohol which seems to be a central theme to college events. Since I began my post (I am not kidding as I write this, when I did a quick check over my blog entry I had written toast instead of post just there) with the mention of college food I think I may elaborate. Food is a huge deal here. People (I) plan their (my) day around mealtimes and try to make sure they're (I'm) always in the queue for food 15mins before the dining hall is opened. Food is piled treacherously high on plates and plates are balanced ever so carefully on arms (any place looking for a waitress, I am now skilled up to be your gal).

The amount of food I eat here is ridiculous which actually reminds me of a vital term of first year life. The dreaded 'fresher spread'. Fresher spread is defined as the general 5-10kgs that almost every fresher gains in the first year on campus. I haven't heard this happening as much to your average first year as they will have to fork out the dosh each time to buy the food whereas at college every meal is pretty much all you can eat. And oh boy can I eat. Going through 3/4 loaf of bread as snack food over a day is not an uncommon occurrence since my arrival here. And my breakfast is 3 times as much as I ate at home!

Have a looky at what I just found! Haha!
The Brain Food Binge
It may not be a freshly published story but it is definitely still relevant. :)

I'll let you know if the fresher spread takes its toll on me!

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